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Our Journey

Tasi LLC is a SBA Certified 8(a) Participant and CVE Verified SDVOSB. Tasi has the unique capability to harness the vast ocean of the latest cutting edge technologies and services to develop innovative, quality, scalable, turnkey and sustainable solutions to meet the specific needs of our customers.


More than a 2,000 years ago, a group of highly skilled Chamoru seafarers braved uncharted waters of the TÅSI, Chamoru word for "Ocean", and discovered the Marianas

Islands for which they made their new home. The TÅSI is important to the culture and way of life for the Chamoru people as transportation medium for the Flying Proa, a sleek

ocean Chamoru canoe, for travel between islands, a bountiful source of a wide variety of seafood, and an important source for rain that provided fresh water for the people and the rich



Louis N. Leon-Guerrero, President of TÅSI, grew up on the beaches and reefs of Agat, Guam. As a boy, his elders taught him and his brothers that the TÅSI must be respected and in return, the TÅSI will provide what you need. I remember as a little boy my brothers and I foolishly tested the TÅSI by yelling very loudly a dare to send a big wave to knock us off of our canoe. Well the TÅSI responded to our request and sent a big wave that knocked us off of our canoe, I was tossed into the TÅSI and hit my head on a rock. Dazed and bleeding from the head, we all climbed back into our canoe and quickly went back to shore with a renewed respect for the TÅSI.


After graduating from George Washington Senior High School on Guam, Louis joined the U.S. Air Force in 1981 and left his island home to begin his new military career. After basic training in San Antonio Texas, Louis was transferred to the Great Lakes Naval Training Center in Illinois where he attended the Navy Basic Electricity and Electronics School and the Electronics Technician "A" School . While serving in the Air Force, Louis had the opportunity of working globally in Joint and Combined Operations with sister services and ally countries that furthered his core values understanding of Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, Personal Courage, and Excellence In All That You Do. Louis is a veteran of  Desert Shield/ Desert Storm and several Joint and Combined Operations globally. Today, Louis has applied his elder's teachings and military experience to TÅSI's core values.  TÅSI provides quality products and services to our valued customers to support their mission, gaining their respect and trust.


Corporate Experience.


Tasi has an understanding, knowledge, and expertise of:


Basic electricity and electronics theory. Awarded certificate of completion by the Naval Basic Electricity and Electronics School.


Advanced electronics and communications theory. Awarded certificate of completion by the Naval Advanced Electronics Technician School.


Installation, maintenance, repair, and operation of HF, VHF, UHF ground radio communications receivers, transmitters, and transceivers for platforms and operations such as Air Traffic Control (ATC), Radar Approach Control (RAPCON), Direct Air Support, Theater Air Control, Point to Point, and Long Haul. 


Installation, maintenance, and  repair of  HF, VHF, and UHF avionics transceivers.


Installation, maintenance, and  repair of  HF, VHF, and UHF radio antennas and UHF SATCOM antennas.


Installation, maintenance, and repair of mobile voice and data communications systems over a wide range of the frequency spectrum.


Plan and implement a comprehensive communications plan to meet the voice and data connectivity requirements of end users.


Plan and implement a comprehensive communications integration plan to integrate different technologies to meet the voice and data connectivity requirements of end users.


Frequency spectrum and developing a frequency spectrum management plan.


Implementation of a Frequency Spectrum Management such as submitting frequency requests, assignment and management of frequencies, frequency deconfliction.


​Installation, maintenance, troubleshooting, and repair of Communications Consoles in ATC towers, RAPCON, communications rooms, mobile communications.


Technical Orders to maintain, troubleshoot, and repair communications-electronics equipment.


Project Management for communications-electronics installations and operations.


Installation, maintenance, troubleshooting, and repair of encryption devices for communications and IT platforms.


Installation, maintenance, troubleshooting, and repair of  IT platforms.


Digital Transformation plan to the Cloud such as data storage and cloud apps.


Development and implementation of IT security programs such as Zero Trust, Cybersecurity, Email Security, Network Security, Data Protection, End Point Protection.


Installation, maintenance, and repair of 4LTE/5G wireless mobile equipment.




Background & History.


Owner and President

Tasi, LLC

Jan 2007 – Present


Federal Certifications:

SBA Certified 8(a) Participant



SBA approved Tasi NMR Class Waiver application to sole source federal lighting retrofit/upgrade projects up to $7.5M.


Navy Advanced Electronics School - Graduated top 10% of class, advanced electronic theory and circuitry, advanced electronic-communications theory, advanced troubleshooting and repair theory and skills, advanced electronic maintenance theory and skills.


Navy Basic Electricity and Electronics School - Basic electricity and electronics theory, basic circuit theory, basic electronic component theory, basic troubleshooting and repair theory and skills.


Unit Readiness Branch Chief

612th Air Communications Squadron, 12th Air Force

Davis-Monthan AFB, Tucson, Arizona

2004 – 2006


Systems Engineering and Integration Superintendent

612th Air Communications Squadron, 12th Air Force

Davis-Monthan AFB, Tuson, Arizona

2000 – 2004


Special Operations Communications Planner

353rd Operations Support Squadron, 353 Special Operations Group

Kadena AB, Okinawa, Japan

1997 – 2000


Contingency Communications Maintenance Superintendent

353rd Special Operations Support Squadron, 353 Special Operations Group

Kadena AB, Okinawa, Japan

1993 – 1997


Communications Maintenance Supervisor

18th Communications Squadron

Kadena AB, Okinawa, Japan

1991 – 1993


Communications Maintainer and Team Chief

728th Tactical Control Squadron,

Duke Field, Eglin AFB, Ft Walton Beach, Florida

1989 – 1991


Communications Maintenance Control Superintendent

604th Direct Air Support Squadron, 5th Tactical Air Command

Camp Red Cloud, Uijongbu, South Korea

1988 – 1989


Communications Maintainer

81st Tactical Control Flight, 628th Air Control Squadron

Kadena AB, Okinawa, Japan

1984 – 1988


Apprentice Communications Maintainer

1965th Communications Squadron

Air Force Base, San Bernardino, California

1982 – 1984


Air Force Communications Trainee

Advanced Electronics School, US Navy

Great Lakes Naval Training Center, Illinois



Air Force Communications Trainee

Basic Electricity & Electronics School, US Navy

Great Lakes Naval Training Center, Illinois



Air Force Basic Trainee

Lackland AFB, San Antonio, Texas





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